Thursday, August 22, 2013

Strength is...

It's funny what different people consider "strong." I'm not talking about physically strong. I personally don't care who can bench press 300 pounds and who has trouble with 3 pounds. Though if you can do 300, I'll never challenge you to a bench press competition or a boxing match. I'm talking about personal, emotional, and mental strength. It's something that often seems questioned in mental health. People seem to think that if you can't just "pull yourself up and be happy" you're not strong enough. Or if you cry over something others wouldn't that you're weak.  I, quite frankly, disagree 100 percent.

Strength has nothing to do with diagnosis or lack there of. It has nothing to do with being more emotional or moody. It's not the ability to be the only person in the room not crying at that pathetic animal adoption commercial with the Sarah McLaughlin song. No, it's nothing like that at all. In fact, it's quite the opposite.
  • Strength is having been hurt in every single way possible and forgiving those who have done so because you understand that doing something bad doesn't make someone a bad person at the core.
  • Strength is knowing that you have a condition that others look down on, and fighting back when others label you because neither you nor anyone else deserves that stigma.  
  • Strength is standing up for who you are and what you believe, even if nobody else is standing with you. 
  • Strength is NOT hardening your heart and hiding emotion or walking away from things because it's easier. 
  • Strength IS allowing yourself to cry when you're hurt, and fighting like hell when you're upset, because you realize that something is so worth fighting for that you're willing to expose yourself raw in order to do so. 
  • Strength is asking for help, in whatever for you may need it, when you realize you can't go it alone. This isn't being needy or dependent or any other similar term someone may throw at it. It takes a lot of strength and courage to say "No person is an island. I need support. I can no longer do it on my own." 
  • Strength is admitting your fears, your anxieties, your troubles, and allowing yourself to be vulnerable in order to work through these. 
  • Strength is the ability to forgive someone who has wronged you and never asked for forgiveness, because you realize that holding onto anger will only ultimately hurt you. 
  • Strength is not quitting when the going gets tough. 
  • Strength is admitting when you're wrong, apologizing, and asking for forgiveness. 
  • Strength is accepting another's apology, truly forgiving them, and letting go of the past hurt for good.
  • Strength is being yourself, and being proud of dong so. 

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